Churches in Callahan
past and present
Mt Zion Missionary Baptist Church
on April 1880 Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church was organized by the Reverend C.J. Scott. In 1952, the Church was incorporated and renamed Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Institutional Church, Inc.. This landmark is the oldest African American Church in the City of Orlando. Through the years of existence, Mt. Zion has been served by outstanding spiritual leaders. During its tenure it became the first African American church to incorporate “community and political activism” in its vision and mission, particularly under the 20 plus years of leadership and service of the Reverenced Nathaniel G. Staggers.

In 1962, Mt. Zion realized its dream to build its current edifice located on the northwest side of Washington and Chatham streets in Callahan. Mt Zion Missionary Baptist Institutional Church continues to serve as a role model for community leadership. Mt Zion endures in ministry giving glory to God and ministering to his people and all-in need. In 2007, Mt Zion was designated as an Historical Site by the City of Orlando.
Hurst Chapel A.M.E. Church

910 Church of God
Church of Christ at Westmoreland
Carter Tabernacle C.M.E. Church

Mount Olive A.M.E. Church

Mount Olive A.M.E. 2020
Churches in Parramore

Shiloh Baptist Church
604 West Jackson Street
Bethel Baptist Church
654 West Anderson Street
Harvest Baptist Church
Formerly Mt. Sinai Seventh-Day Adventist Church514 South Parramore Avenue
The New Jerusalem Church of God
748 Carter Street
Mount Olive C.M.E. Church
745 Woods Avenue
Greater Refuge Memorial Church
Formerly Ebenezer United Methodist Church596 West Church Street
True Gospel HolinessChurch of Jesus
907 West South Street
The Church of Power, Praise & Deliverance Inc.
formerly Mount Pleasant Baptist Church701 West South Street